Friday, July 17, 2009

The Garden of Miss Organized

A few pictures from my daughter's garden. The first is of her Teddy Bear Sunflowers (it may be called a Baby Bear). I bought the seeds for her because I have loved this particular kind for years and couldn't resist when I saw the seeds at a local shop. I love her cucumbers crawling up the old ladder (it was my dad's and I am fond of it). My husband made this square foot garden for us a few years ago and more was added this year. My daughter took over the gardening last year and has been doing a fine job with it.


  1. What a great garden. I know how much work that must be. Love your aprons, too.

  2. Just wanted to stop in for a moment and say hello. I think of you and your kindness often ~ I keep your cards in my bible carrier.

    Glad to see that things are blooming in your little corner of the world. You must be so very proud of your daughter. My son, Luke, is caring for our garden this year as well, and we've been enjoying the harvest of all those fresh veggies.

    Blessings & joy,
