Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Learning With Friends

About once a month there is a group of women that I know that meet for dinner and share what they have learned about Charlotte Mason and her method of education. Last night I had the opportunity to visit with these ladies and discuss chapter 4 of School Education by Charlotte Mason. I really need to read this chapter once again and give it more thought.
Some of the ideas that mentioned in this chapter are :
Children should be free in their play
Personal initiative in work
Children must stand or fall by their own efforts
Boys and girls are generally dutiful
Children should choose their own friends
Should be free to spend their own pocket money
Should form their own opinions and
I will address some of what I have learned in a future post but I really enjoyed sharing with the other ladies in the group.


  1. I really want to go to the CM meetings. It would be a great encouragement/incentive to get back to what I did originally. I was quite sold out to CM. I've gotten too bogged down in what the rest of the world calls education. That's a great picture of you! Have a most groovy day.

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  3. Hey ckj1s,
    I hope you will come to the next meeting. I will send the date and time to you. The pic is by you know who. I thought she did a good job. Have a great day groovy girl.
